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And the Monkey Flips the Switch – Shintaro Marky

4th August 2015 | Exhibitions
Addict, 2013 - Shintaro Marky

Addict, 2013 – Shintaro Marky

And the Monkey Flips the Switch, works in ink and watercolour by Mark Sullivan (aka Shintaro Marky), opens at the Barthe House Gallery in Woolloomooloo, Sydney at 6pm on Thursday 6th August. The show runs to 30th October.

The paper selected for Mark’s prints was Canson Infinity Arches Velin Museum Rag.

Lobster - Shintaro Marky

Lobster – Shintaro Marky

Brothers in Arms - Shintaro Marky

Brothers in Arms – Shintaro Marky