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Develop – Caitlin Welch

6th February 2013 | Exhibitions
Needlework - Caitlin Welch

Needlework – Caitlin Welch

Caitlin’s Develop is a combined photographic and video exhibition exploring Tikondane, a community based organisation in the Eastern Province of Zambia.

“Tikondane’s mission is to help surrounding communities by providing essential social services through means of education, health care services, income generating activities, seed distribution and many other sustainable initiatives. All profits made from sales at the exhibition will go back to Tikondane to help further develop their community school. Their school is the only one in the district that is free. Government schools require the children to have uniforms and pay a small donation. This is not possible for many families as average monthly income is only $25.”

The exhibition opens at the Huw Davies Gallery, Manuka Arts Centre at 6pm, Thursday 7th February.

The paper selected by Caitlin for these prints was Canson Infinity Arches Velin Museum Rag.

John Banda - Caitlin Welch

John Banda – Caitlin Welch

Ghost Dance - Caitlin Welch

Ghost Dance – Caitlin Welch

Local Mosque - Caitlin Welch

Local Mosque – Caitlin Welch